~~NOTOC~~ ====== Welcome to the PErCOLATE project ====== ---- ===== What is PErCOLATE? ===== The **P**rofessional d**E**velopment fo**r** **C**ollege f**O**reign **LA**nguage **TE**achers (otherwise known as PErCOLATE) project at the [[http://cercll.arizona.edu/doku.php|University of Arizona's Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language, and Literacy (CERCLL)]] is dedicated to developing a set of professional development materials to prepare foreign language teaching assistants for teaching in a four-year multidisciplinary and multi-literacy curriculum. On this website, you will find modules and related webinars and bibliographies. We will also be announcing workshops and conferences where we will be presenting the project and its outcomes. We will be watching for other related resources on the professional development of foreign language teaching assistants and adjunct instructors and will bring them to your attention as they become available. So stay tuned and drop us a note using the contact form if you have any questions! Heather Willis Allen & Beatrice Dupuy ====== News and Announcements ====== ---- {{:mlbookcover.jpeg?150&nolink }}Paesani, K., Allen, H. W., Dupuy, B. (2015). //A Multiliteracies Framework for Collegiate Foreign Language Teaching.// J. Liskin-Gasparro & M. Lacorte (Eds.) Series on Theory and Practice in Classroom Second Language Instruction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Where to purchase: [[http://www.amazon.com/Multiliteracies-Framework-Collegiate-Classroom-Instruction/dp/0205954049/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1424639811&sr=8-1&keywords=paesani|Amazon]] or [[http://www.pearsonhighered.com/pearsonhigheredus/educator/product/products_detail.page?isbn=9780205954049&forced_logout=forced_logged_out_|Pearson Higher Education]]