About the modules
These modules are primarily intended to supplement the traditional model of professional development already in place in FL departments by adding flexible sets of materials and activities relevant to teaching not only language but also literature and culture across the 4-year FL curriculum. The materials can be used in whatever manner befits the immediate context: by individual FL TAs, pairs or small groups of FL TAs, or as part of a departmental LPD-led professional development program for FL TAs. There is no prescribed order in which the modules ought to be used; rather, interest and felt need should be the driving force behind those modules selected for use and the timing of their implementation. Further, because there is also no prescribed pace at which users must move through the modules, users can also revisit them at different points in their professional development.
Each theme-based module has been designed with two goals in mind:
- Help FL TAs reflect on how their beliefs and experiences both as language learners and teachers impact their own instructional practices
- Facilitate through structured inquiry and reflection FL TAs’ embracing of the theoretical concepts presented in the modules which will lead them to gradually re-think and re-orient the way they currently teach so that it is more in line with current conceptualizations of language and language learning and teaching as reflected in a multiliteracies approach.
Click on links below to access each module